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Together We


What We Do

The UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention’s Food, Fitness and Opportunity Research Collaborative aims to build economic security, improve health outcomes and contribute to community-based research literature to address those affected by inequity in North Carolina. We achieve these goals by collaborating with representatives from all affected groups and focusing on our key strategies. 

The FFORC and CHI teams are situated within the UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HPDP), which is dedicated to reducing health disparities through community-based research and initiatives and is part of a network of CDC Prevention Research Centers. Both teams are funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) SNAP-Ed Program through a partnership with the NC Division of Child and Family Well-being.

Logo for North Carolina SNAP-Ed logo with images of a tennis shoe, water bottle, and carrot in black
FFOR logo with images of a fork, a tennis shoe, and a raised hand in black
Logo for UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in black
Logo for Child hunger Initiative in black
FFOR logo with images of a fork, a tennis shoe, and a raised hand in white

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Contact Us

Food Fitness Opportunity Research Collaborative

Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

1700 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
CB# 7426
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-7426

p: 919-966-6080

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